Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Australian property prices at 2006 levels

New research by RP data suggests that Australian property prices today are roughly where they were five years ago. This is an indication of  a clear improvement in home affordability.

See full article at

1 comment:

  1. Basically, there are two schools of thought when it comes to investing in Aussie property.
    On one side, you’ve got a very vocal group of property spruikers – they believe things are pretty much okay
    and house prices are supported by population growth, low interest rates and a so-called chronic housing
    On the other is a smaller group of housing sceptics – they think Aussie property is in a bubble that’s been
    fuelled by easy credit and stimulus (low interest rates and first-home buyers’ incentives) – and as the stimulus
    gets wound back the bubble will burst, sending property prices tumbling.
